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MSIP - Team Results


School Name Grade Level Date Report Title
Lakewood High School 10th - 12th Spring 2015 Substances in or around Caves that could Support Life
Tolt Middle School P3 8th Spring 2015 Do Glaciers on Mars Melt into Liquid Water?
Tolt Middle School P6 8th Spring 2015 Were Candor and Ophir Chasma formed from Water, Lava, or Tectonics?
Everygreen High School 7th Spring 2015 Evidence to Support Choatic Terrain in Hydraotes Region was Caused by Magmatic Processes
Rosemount Middle School 8th Spring 2015 Elevations impact on Iron Content of Building/Landing Sites
Westhill High School 2B 9th Spring 2015 Similarities and Differences between Collapsed Lava Tubes and Water Channels
Westhill High School 10 B 9th Spring 2015 Does the Depth and Width of a Channel change with Distance?
Neuqua Valley HS P6 11th Fall 2012 Elevation and Depth, Width and Length of Channels
University Public School 5th 2011 Channels Formed from Lava or Water
Harmony Science Academy HS Spring 2013 Landing Site Evaluation for Human Exploration
Bloomington HS P. 4 HS Spring 2013 Was Tinjar Vallis formed by water?
Bloomington HS P. 5 HS Spring 2013 Was Tinjar Vallis formed by water or lava?
JR Briggs Elementary 5th Spring 2013 Where did the water in Ceberus and Mangala Fossae go?
Edwin Joel Brown Elementary 5th Spring 2015 Channels: Water or Lava
Washington STEM Academy 5th Spring 2013 Searching for Gullies
Tolt Middle School 8th Spring 2015 Evidence of Melting Ice at the Martian South Pole