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MSIP - Team Results


School Name Grade Level Date Report Title
Lourdes Central Catholic 6th Spring 2013 Is ice in the mid-latitudes in older or younger craters?
Tolt Middle School P3 8th Spring 2015 Evidence of Prevailing Winds from Dunes
Catalina Foothills High School 11th Fall 2015 Relationship Between Wrinkle Ridges and Fractures
Christ the King 6A 6th Spring 2013 Evidence of Kimberlite Lava
JR Briggs Elementary 5th Spring 2013 Where did the water in Ceberus and Mangala Fossae go?
Tolt Middle School P4 8th Spring 2015 Characteristics of Polar Spots
Neuqua Valley HS P6 11th Fall 2012 Elevation and Depth, Width and Length of Channels
Walter Bracken STEAM Academy 5th Spring 2013 Caldera Evidence of Supervolcano
Tolt Middle School P6 8th Spring 2015 Distribution of Craters from the Equator to North Pole
University Public School 5th 2011 Channels Formed from Lava or Water
Century Jr. High 8th Fall 2014 Evidence of Tectonic Plates on Mars
Tolt Middle School P1 8th Spring 2015 Does "Swiss Cheese" form Gradually?
University Public School 5th 2011 Channels Formed from Lava or Water
Bradley Central HS P4 HS Fall 2012 Craters and Cracks
Edwin Joel Brown - Class 5th Spring 2013 Polar Spots and Seasons
Concordia College Early College Winter 2014 Mineral Composition of McMurdo Crater
Tolt Middle School P3 8th Spring 2015 Do Glaciers on Mars Melt into Liquid Water?
Rim Country MS 7th 2011 Direction of Dust Devils and Wind Streaks
Bradley Central HS P4 HS Fall 2012 Craters and Cracks
Edwin Joel Brown - Homeroom 5th Spring 2013 Seasons and Polar Spots
Concordia College Early College Winter 2014 Martian Caves and Relative Elevation
Tolt Middle School P4 8th Spring 2015 Are Lava Tubes Habitable?
St. John Bosco 8th 2012 Crater Diameter and Windstreak Length
Bradley Central HS P2 HS Fall 2012 Crater Width and Ejecta Blanket
Adele C Young 6th - 7th Spring 2013 Weathering of Chasma Boreale
Concordia College Early College Winter 2014 Crater Density of Tharsis Montes Volcanoes
Tolt Middle School P6 8th Spring 2015 Were Candor and Ophir Chasma formed from Water, Lava, or Tectonics?
Neuqua Valley High School P5 11th Fall 2012 Depth, Width, and Length of Volcanic and Tectonic Fractures
St. John Bosco 8th 2012 Crater Diameter and Windstreak Length
Bradley Central HS P3 HS Fall 2012 Width and Depth of Impact Craters
Adele C Young 6th - 7th Spring 2013 Age Dating Volcanoes
Concordia College Early College Winter 2014 Crater Erosion along Tharsis Montes Volcanoes
Everygreen High School 7th Spring 2015 Evidence to Support Choatic Terrain in Hydraotes Region was Caused by Magmatic Processes
St. John Bosco Boys 8th 2011 Depth, Width and Location of Grabens and Tension Cracks
Chabad Hebrew Academy 5th-6th 2011 Regional Study of Polar Spots
Monte Vista Elementary 5th 2012 Polygonal Terrain Over Time
Edwin Joel Brown Elementary 5th Spring 2015 Channels: Water or Lava
Rosemount Middle School 8th Spring 2015 Elevations impact on Iron Content of Building/Landing Sites
Waubonsie Valley HS 11th Fall 2012 Ice Caps and Crater Rock Strata
Bradley Central HS - 4th Hour Physics HS Spring 2013 Location and Size of Craters
Edwin Joel Brown Elementary 5th Spring 2015 Crater Density Comparison between Eastern and Western Hemispheres
Westhill High School 2A 9th Spring 2015 Are Dust Devils more Common at Lower Elevations?
Mercury Mine 5th 2011 Diameter of Volcanic Caldera and Laba Tubes Width
Waubonsie Valley HS 11th Fall 2012 Ice Caps and Crater Rock Strata
Bradley Central HS - 3rd Hour Chemistry HS Spring 2013 Comparing Diameter and Depth of Craters
Lakewood High School P4 9th Fall 2014 Is Inca City an Impact Crater?
Westhill High School 2B 9th Spring 2015 Similarities and Differences between Collapsed Lava Tubes and Water Channels
Neuqua Valley HS P5 11th Fall 2012 Depth, width, and length of volcanic and tectonic fractures
Burk Elementary 5th 2011 Characterstics of Relative Age of Craters
John Read Middle School 5th Spring 2013 Are There Plate Tectonics on Mars
Bradley Central HS - 2nd Hour Chemistry HS Spring 2013 Crater Distribution across Hemispheres
Lakewood High School P6 9th Fall 2014 Signs of Volcanic Actiivy near Dalmation Terrain
Westhill High School 6/7 A 9th Spring 2015 Is the Overall Size of the Lava Flow related to the Size of the Volcano?
Mercury Mine 5th 2012 Caldera Diameter and Volcanic Height
John Read Middle School 5th Spring 2013 Dunes Shapes affected by Crater Walls
Harmony Science Academy HS Spring 2013 Landing Site Evaluation for Human Exploration
Lakewood High School 10th - 12th Spring 2015 Substances in or around Caves that could Support Life
Westhill High School 6/7 B 9th Spring 2015 What is the Relationship between Distance from the Caldera to the Closest Collapsed Lava Tube
St. Simon and Jude 8th 2011 Which Tharsis Volcano is Oldest
Gateway Early College HS 2012 Common Crater Types in Similar Regions
Brookhaven Academy 8th Spring 2013 Elevations Impact on Lava Flow Length
Bloomington HS P. 4 HS Spring 2013 Was Tinjar Vallis formed by water?
Lakewood High School P2 9th Fall 2014 Polar Spot Relative Locations
Westhill High School 10 A 9th Spring 2015 Are Sand Dunes found Downwind from Yardangs?
St. Simon and Jude 8th 2011 Which Tharsis Volcano is Oldest
Bloomington HS P. 5 HS Spring 2013 Was Tinjar Vallis formed by water or lava?
Lakewood High School P3 9th Fall 2014 Is Inca City a Tectonic Feature?
Westhill High School 10 B 9th Spring 2015 Does the Depth and Width of a Channel change with Distance?
Xavier College Prep 10th - 12th 2010 Rootless Cone Frequency
St. John Bosco Girls 8th 2011 Elevation and Type of Crater
Evergreen Middle School 7th Spring 2013 Locating Candidate Skylight Cave Openings
Our Lady of Perpetual Help 7th Spring 2013 Mineral Composition of Ice Caps
Tolt Middle School P1 8th Spring 2015 Abundance and Distribution of Transverse Aeolian Ridges (TARS)
Catalina Foothills High School 11th Fall 2015 Using Impact Craters to Identify Subsurface Minerals
Xavier College Prep 10th - 12th 2010 Rootless Cone Frequency
Supai Middle School 7th 2011 Relative Ages of Mars Volcanoes
Christ the King 6B 6th Spring 2013 Evidence of Oxygen in Craters
Xavier College Prep 10th - 12th 2011 Martian Lava Tubes
Upper Darby HS P5 HS 2012 Albedo Change and Martian Temperature
Upper Darby HS P7 HS 2012 Crater Diameter and Age
Cybervillage Academy HS Spring 2013 Fissures and Related Processes
Tolt Middle School 8th Spring 2015 Evidence of Melting Ice at the Martian South Pole
Kingswood Elementary 5th 2012 Dust Storm Longitudinal Study
Washington STEM Academy 5th Spring 2013 Searching for Gullies
The Wilson School 5th Spring 2013 Identifying Craters similar to McLaughlin Crater
Westhill HS 11th 2011 The Effect of Elevation on Lobate Debris Aprons
Upper Darby HS P6 HS 2012 Cryptic Spots
Hobart and William Smith Colleges Early College Fall 2012 Glaciers on NW Olympus Mons
College Heights Christian HS 11th 2012 Degradation Rate of Preserved Craters
Supai Middle School 7th 2011 Relative Ages of Mars Volcanoes
Hobart and William Smith Colleges Early College Spring 2013 Evidence of Glaciation around Olympus Mons